why does your broken ankle still hurt?

I broke my ankle about three years ago in a car accident. I followed all of the doctor's instructions as my ankle healed, but something didn't heal quite right. Two and a half years later, I was still having severe pain and my doctor couldn't figure out why. He suggested that I see a podiatrist to have it looked at more closely. It turns out that there is a lot more to an ankle injury than I had known. Scroll through my site to find out what can really happen to your ankle when it is broken and what could cause the pain to continue long after the injury is sustained.

Getting Your Feet Ready For Your New Year's Resolutions


Many people decide that the New Year is the time to make the change toward living a more active lifestyle. You might want to spend more time at the gym and focus on moving more at home. However, even though your mind is ready for a change, your body might not be completely on board. Use the weeks leading up to the new year to get your feet ready. Without preparation, your resolutions could be sidelined by injury or pain. Follow these tips to make sure you can hit the ground running when January rolls around. 

1. Start being more active now.

Before starting a dedicated workout program on January 1, start getting your feet ready by being more active now. If you have not been very active, starting intensive workouts or even daily impact exercise can cause stress to the bones and delicate ligaments in your feet. 

Try to walk each day in December. You might sign up for some gentle exercise classes that start to get your feet used to bearing your weight during more rigorous activity. For example, you could go to a Zumba class or do some basic kickboxing at home. These are not as hard on the feet as running or plyometrics, so they are good exercises to build a base for yourself. 

2. Find some new shoes during December sales.

You will need new shoes to start your new workout routine, and pulling your dusty old tennis shoes out of your closet will not suffice. Old shoes, especially shoes with a lot of wear, do not provide the support your feet need during a workout. Get fitted for shoes that fit the exercise type you are hoping to try.

For example, if it's your plan to train for a 5k, you will need new running shoes. Go to a specialty running store to get the right shoes for your gait and running style. If you're hoping to do some at home workout videos, you might try getting some new court shoes to provide upper support for your feet during lateral movements and jumps. 

3. Start losing weight.

You might laugh at the idea of losing weight during the holidays, but extra weight can increase the stress on your feet during exercise. Start tracking your calorie intake in December so that you are already in the habit of smaller portion sizes and better food choices when January arrives. You can still enjoy festive holiday food, but with tracking, you prevent any weight gain that could make it tougher for your feet when you start your new workout program. 

For more information, check out a website like http://www.elmhurstpodiatry.com today.


3 December 2018