why does your broken ankle still hurt?

I broke my ankle about three years ago in a car accident. I followed all of the doctor's instructions as my ankle healed, but something didn't heal quite right. Two and a half years later, I was still having severe pain and my doctor couldn't figure out why. He suggested that I see a podiatrist to have it looked at more closely. It turns out that there is a lot more to an ankle injury than I had known. Scroll through my site to find out what can really happen to your ankle when it is broken and what could cause the pain to continue long after the injury is sustained.

Nighttime Big Toe Soreness: Could It Be Gout?


Big toe pain can usually be attributed to a stubbed toe. But what if your big toe keeps hurting night after night? The pain can be debilitating and horrible, but by the time morning comes, it has subsided -- only to return again the next night! Your phantom big toe pain could have a pretty simple explanation: gout. 

What is gout?

Gout is classified as a type of arthritis. However, unlike osteoarthritis which involves the wearing away of cartilage in the joints, gout results from the accumulation of uric acid crystals in the joints. The crystals cause friction and irritation, leading to redness and the searing, throbbing pain you're experiencing. 

Does gout only affect the big toe?

Gout usually affects the big toes before it affects any other joints. If you take action and get the disease under control early, you can usually stop it from spreading up to your other joints. Left untreated, however, gout will usually start affecting your ankles, knees, and even your wrists. It won't always affect the same joints. Sometimes your toes might hurt, and other days your wrists might bother you.

What is the treatment for gout?

The treatment for gout focuses on reducing the amount of uric acid in your body. With less uric acid, crystals can't and won't form in your joints. The most effective way to control uric acid levels is through diet. You will need to avoid foods that are high in a component called purines. Beef, seafood, and alcohol are among the most common of these. Your doctor will work with you to formulate a diet that alleviates your gout symptoms.

Depending on how your body reacts to the dietary changes, your doctor may also prescribe a medication to reduce uric acid production. Lesinurad is a common medication used for this purpose. If you have a lot of crystals in your joints, your doctor may prescribe a medication called pegloticase to break them down. 

The pain of gout can often be eased with NSAID pain relievers. If you stay active and lose weight, you may also notice that your symptoms diminish.

If your big toe has been in a lot of pain lately, don't ignore this issue. See a podiatrist or your general physician. They will administer a blood test and examine your joints to see if gout is to blame. If you do have gout, treatment and management are quite straightforward. 

For more information, contact a company like Advanced Foot Clinic.


21 July 2018